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Finance & General Purpose Committee



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The Finance & General Purpose Committee membership comprises the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Full Council and (four?) other elected council members.


Meetings are held quarterly and minutes are taken by the Parish Clerk.


The Finance & General Purpose Committee has the delegated authority from Spixworth Parish Council:


* To set the precept and consider all other financial matters.


* To ensure that the Council receives reports on the progress of actual expenditure compared with budgeted expenditure.


* To monitor all council income.


* To manager and monitor auditing, insurances and all policy matters.





Contact the Parish Council

Spixworth Parish Council Office

Spixworth Village Hall

Crostwick Lane



NR10 3NQ

Parish Clerk: Carolyn Lake

01603 890290

The parish council offices are located behind the Village Hall and Social Club, beside the play area.


Office opening hours are Monday-Friday 9:30am to 11:30am

Parish Council Offices
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