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Neighbourhood Plan Documents

The Neighbourhood Plan is an exciting project which can make a real difference to Spixworth. If you are interested in helping us to develop the Neighbourhood Plan, or would just like to know more about it, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch at:


The Neighbourhood Plan will now go to a referendum which is planned to take place in May 2021. We will update these pages when there is more news. 



During 2019 many residents have taken the opportunity to get involved and share their views about priorities for Spixworth. Thank you to everyone who has commented!  The Steering Group has been working hard to consider all the views and ideas received and has been busy considering and drafting policies for the Neighbourhood Plan. This work forms the ‘Pre-Submission’ draft Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan.


Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan – Timeline


June 2019 - As part of the consultation, we will be holding a community event in Spixworth Village Hall on 1st June. The ‘drop in’ event is open to all and will run from 11:30 to 3:30pm. Members of the Steering Group will be on hand if you have any questions about the Plan. Please come along and have a look at the draft Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan, tell us if you are happy with it or have any other comments you would like us to consider.


May 2019 - An important stage in writing the Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan  – this is called the Pre-Submission Consultation and we are required to consult statutory bodies, local organisations and the wider community for a period of 6 weeks.  This began on 23rd May 2019 and closed on 5th July 2019.  


April 2019 –  Steering Group meets to review the draft Neighbourhood Plan, and further consider the policies in it.  Areas of open space were agreed for Policy 5: Protection of Open Green Space. The draft Housing and Design policy was discussed and agreed to restructured into 2 separate policies covering development design and setting/landscape. It was agreed to add a policy on parking requirements. The next steps were discussed – the 6-week statutory consultation, dates and communication.


January – March 2019 –  responses received from Statutory Consultees  who confirm their agreement to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report.  Development of policy wording and analysis of supporting data including Environmental issues, traffic from Spixworth’s SAM2 speed monitor and the History of Spixworth.


December 2018 –  the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report, following approval by Spixworth Parish Council, is sent to Statutory Consultees (Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England).


November 2018 – Steering Group considers an amended draft of policies for inclusion in the neighbourhood plan,  additional consultation feedback received including views of staff children at Spixworth Infant School and approves the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report – a technical document giving a detailed analysis of Spixworth.


October 2018 –  Steering Group reviews initial draft of the policies, considers whether there are  any additional policy areas needed and reviews the policy intent statements to ensure these give a clear understanding of what each policy is trying to achieve. Suggestions are received and the document will be updated.


Aug – Sept 2018 –  following the policy workshops work began in earnest to draft policies for the neighbourhood plan, grouped by 5 themes – covering infrastructure, housing, environment, community facilities and local economy.


June – July 2018 –  Steering Group attend two policy writing workshops and meets  to  consider ways of encouraging further community involvement including visits to local groups, contacting the local schools,  a neighbourhood plan stall at the Church Fete and further use of social media.


May 2018 –  Steering Group meets to consider consultation feedback, to review sustainability issues for Spixworth and possible emerging policies for inclusion in the neighbourhood plan.


March 2018 –  A busy time analysing all of the feedback from the recent consultation event ready to be discussed in detail at the next Steering Group meeting.


February 2018 – community consultation event  in Spixworth Village Hall.  It was great to have the opportunity to chat with a number of residents at our consultation event on Saturday 24th February.  All of the comments and views we received  are appreciated  as these will be used to inform the Neighbourhood Plan.


January 2018 –  Steering Group meets to finalise the Vision and Objectives in preparation for the next community consultation event planned for February.


December 2017 – Steering Group meets to consider the feedback received at the launch and starts to develop the vision and objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan.


November 2017 –  Parish Council secures grant funding from central government towards the cost of preparing the Neighbourhood Plan. Launch Event – Saturday 11th November launch event in the village to mark the start of the plan process. At the launch event we received very helpful comments about what is liked/least liked about Spixworth and what residents would like to see change. We were also pleased to receive views and suggestions on a vision for Spixworth and objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan to focus on.


October 2017 – Broadland District Council approves application to designate the civil Parish of Spixworth as the Neighbourhood Area.  Map of Designated Neighbourhood Area. Steering Group formed to oversee the production of the Neighbourhood Plan. At its first meeting the Group elects residents Peter Holdroyd as its Chairman  and Paula Harkin-Perry as Vice Chairman.


September 2017 – As one of the first steps the Parish Council applies to Broadland District Council, the local planning authority, to designate the neighbourhood area for the Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan. 



Final Consultation Documents


The following documents are made available for viewing or download:


Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan Referendum v1.1 (PDF, 31MB)


Pre-submission Consultation Documents


Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan ‘Pre-Submission’ Version v1 (PDF, 29MB)

Sustainability Appraisal v1 (PDF)

ConsultationResponse Form v1 (docx)


Public Notice


Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan


Adopted Version and Final Decision Statement July 2021


Spixworth Neighbourhood Plan-Adopted Version


Final Decision Statement

Contact the Parish Council

Spixworth Parish Council Office

Spixworth Village Hall

Crostwick Lane



NR10 3NQ

Parish Clerk: Carolyn Lake

01603 890290

The parish council offices are located behind the Village Hall and Social Club, beside the play area.


Office opening hours are Monday-Friday 9:30am to 11:30am

Parish Council Offices
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